Rise With YouTube As A Career: Talk & Connect To Minds

This was the time where 3 erstwhile PayPal employees planned to together put up a video sharing website with the name of YouTube.com. Little did they know that this online baby would spread like wildfire and eventually lead to millions of people earning their livelihood by sharing video content.

Rise With YouTube As A Career: Talk & Connect To Minds

Little but significant history..

February 2005.


This was the time where 3 erstwhile PayPal employees planned to together put up a video sharing website with the name of YouTube.com.


Little did they know that this online baby would spread like wildfire and eventually lead to millions of people earning their livelihood by sharing video content.



Flash forward to present day..

YouTube is today the 3rd most visited website. There are more than 1.5 billion users on YouTube.


The total time that people spend watching videos every day adds up to 100s of millions of hours.


On top of that, YouTube is used in over 75 countries across the globe.



YouTube as a Career: Focus on anything like ..

  • Music
  • Dance
  • Politics
  • News
  • Beauty / self care
  • Comedy/ Parody
  • Film reviews
  • Mobiles / gadget reviews
  • Car reviews
  • Or the ‘how-to’ categories like:
    • how to build something or
    • how to cook something or
    • how to do something etc.



“I believe people think it is not a lot of work. That you just say some things and boom-there is a million dollars. But in reality, you wake up every day trying to figure out how you are going to adapt to a changing environment of content where everyone is trying to beat each other. To figure out new trends and being able  to  figure  out  a  good  way  to  push  your  YouTube  channel  and  get  views  is extremely difficult.”

Unknown respondent, Mattias Holmbom’s research paper (link in conclusions)



More Ideas..

There are a number of genres you can make content on. These are some more ideas to make YouTube as a career.


Some of them are as follows:

  • Product Review Video
  • Vlogs
  • Gaming Videos
  • Haul Videos
  • Educational Videos
  • Unboxing Videos
  • Q/A Videos
  • Or any other subject that you may feel confident about.

    Youtube as a Career – Educational Qualification

    Structured training, formal certification or any sort of licensing are not pre-requisites for becoming a YouTuber. However, it is advisable to complete at least secondary level of education (Class 10) or equivalent before you start earning as a Youtuber.


    Various online courses on how to become a successful YouTuber or YouTube Partner are available at https://creatoracademy.youtube.com/ or anywhere across the Internet. YouTube Creators Academy offers various online courses through this Website.



    How to Become a Youtuber

    To make YouTube as a career, let me just give you some good thoughts brought to us by successful YouTubers and collated here with some effort. For more such thoughts, you can check Mathhias’ beautiful research for which you can get the link on the conclusions section.

    youtube as a career
    youtube as a career

    If you don’t want YouTube as a career but as a hobby, then keep it a hobby or else ..

    Entrepreneurship with Youtube as a career
    youtube as a career

    “You can get demoted at a job, but you can really only be promoted on YouTube.  If your views start going down it is no one’s fault but your own.”

    Unknown respondent, Mattias Holmbom’s research paper (link in conclusions)
    Rise With YouTube As A Career: Talk & Connect To Minds 1

    It will be beneficial to choose a commonly popular genre, such as videos about video games or the very common genre of “make-up & cosmetics”.



    Salary of a YouTuber

    Earnings may vary between 70p to Rs. 698.42 or more per thousand clicks depending on multiple factors.


    So if you have only 1000 views per day for a video, expect to earn around Rs. 500 – Rs. 9000 or slightly more a month.


    Generally famous YouTubers get say 600,000 to 1,000,000 views in a day!


    LiZiQi from China recently entered the Guinness World Records! Bhuvan Bam, one of the highest paid YouTubers, shot to fame in 2 years only and now earns Rs. 1, 50, 000 – Rs. 3, 00,000 a month!

    Liziqi from China is a world record holder!


    Following are indicative earnings figures.


    At the entry level when you are just trying to set up your YouTube channel and build a fanbase, expect between Rs. 500 to Rs. 3, 000 or modestly more per month.


    After 1-6 years, expect around Rs. 2,000 – Rs. 1, 00, 000 per month or more.


    After 6-12 years and with an established subscriber community, expect about Rs. 7,000 – Rs. 2, 00,000 or more per month.


    In 12+ years if you can maintain your viewer base, expect about Rs. 10, 000 – Rs. 10, 00,000 or more per month.




    If we go back to 2007 when Google purchased YouTube for $1.65 billion dollars (what Google touches turns to gold!), lives on YouTube started to change from this day onwards.


    YouTube will never stop rising and where many humans are invested, there is money.


    Find Mattias Holmbom’s research paper here.







